JavaScript 5 发布有一段时间了,Array 对象新增了很多方法。但在老版本的浏览器上还不能使用,得益于 JavaScript 的动态可扩展性,我实现了这些方法,在此晒出来与君共勉
复制代码 代码如下: /*! * jLip JavaScript Library v0.1 * * Copyright 2012, Lip2up (lip2up@qq.com) * Just for free use, NO LICENSE */ (function() { function extend(target, props) { for (var m in props) { if (target[m] === undefined) target[m] = props[m]; } } var fns = { every: 1, some: 2, forEach: 3, map: 4, filter: 5 }, reduceError = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value'; function each(fn, _this, kind) { var len = this.length, ret = kind == fns.filter ? [] : kind == fns.map ? Array(len) : undefined, find = kind == fns.some, i, v; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this[i] !== undefined) { v = fn.call(_this, this[i], i, this); switch (kind) { case fns.every: case fns.some: if (v === find) return find; break; case fns.map: ret[i] = v; break; case fns.filter: if (v === true) ret[ret.length] = this[i]; break; } } } return kind >= fns.forEach ? ret : !find; } function reduce(fn, init, right) { var len = this.length, i, prev, inc = right ? -1 : 1; if (len == 0 && init === undefined) throw TypeError(reduceError); for (i = right ? len - 1 : 0, prev = init; prev === undefined && (right ? i >= 0 : i < len); i += inc) { prev = this[i]; } if (prev === undefined && i == (right ? -1 : len)) throw TypeError(reduceError); for (; (right ? i >= 0 : i < len); i += inc) { if (this[i] !== undefined) prev = fn(prev, this[i], i, this); } return prev; } extend(Array.prototype, { every: function(fn, _this) { return each.call(this, fn, _this, fns.every); }, some: function(fn, _this) { return each.call(this, fn, _this, fns.some); }, forEach: function(fn, _this) { return each.call(this, fn, _this, fns.forEach); }, map: function(fn, _this) { return each.call(this, fn, _this, fns.map); }, filter: function(fn, _this) { return each.call(this, fn, _this, fns.filter); }, reduce: function(fn, init) { return reduce.call(this, fn, init); }, reduceRight: function(fn, init) { return reduce.call(this, fn, init, true); } }); })();