复制代码 代码如下: var Comment = new Object();
var $C = function(tagName) { return document.createElement(tagName); }; String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,""); }; String.prototype.realLength = function() { return this.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,"**").length; }; String.prototype.left = function(n) { if (this.length > n) { return this.substr(0, n) + '...'; } else { return this; } }; Array.prototype.remove = function(n) { if (n < 0) { return this; } else { return this.slice(0, n).concat(this.slice(n + 1, this.length)); } }; function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (obj && obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj && obj.x) curleft += obj.x; return curleft; }
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Comment.Define = { getReplyType: function(type) { if (Comment.Configure.reply_type_def[type]) { return Comment.Configure.reply_type_def[type]; } else { return ''; } } }
Comment.PGV_Count = function(option) { if (typeof(pgvMain) == 'function') { pvRepeatCount = 1; pvCurDomain = sDomain; if (option) { if (option.domain) { pvCurDomain = option.domain; } if (option.path) { pvCurUrl = option.path; } } pgvMain(); //Debug.log('call pgv function'); } }
Comment.UrlFactory = { get3LevelDir: function(id) { var path = parseInt(id / 1000000) + '/'; path += parseInt(id / 1000) + '/'; path += id / 1; return path; }, getCommentUrl: function(id) { return (this.get3LevelDir(id) + '/'); }, getDebateUrl: function(id) { return this.get3LevelDir(id); }, getUserUrl: function(id) { return this.get3LevelDir(id); }, getReplyUrl: function(key) { var path = key.substr(0, 8); path += '/' + (key.substr(8, 4)); path += '/' + (key.substr(12, 2)); path += '/' + key; return path; }, getIndexUrl: function(id) { var length = id.toString().length; if (length < Comment.Configure.index_width) { for (var i = 0; i < Comment.Configure.index_width - length; ++i) { id = '0' + id; } } return id; }, getIndexDir: function(mode) { var modes = { 'origin_count': 'originindex', 'total_count': 'allindex', 'top_count': 'topindex' }; return modes[mode]; }, getRangeHeader: function(start, length, line_len) { var range_start = start * line_len; var range_length = length * line_len; return ['Range','bytes=' + range_start + '-' + (parseInt(range_start) + parseInt(range_length) - 1 - Comment.Configure.newline.length)]; }, getCommentNormalUrl: function(site, id) { return 'comment.htm?site=' + site + '&id=' + id; }, getCommentGroupUrl: function(site, id) { return 'comment_group.htm?site=' + site + '&id=' + id; }, getCommentDebateUrl: function(site, id) { return 'comment_debate.htm?site=' + site + '&id=' + id; }, getCommentUserUrl: function(uin) { return 'comment_user.htm?uin=' + uin; }, getCommentUserLink: function(uin, nick) { return '<a href="' + this.getCommentUserUrl(uin) + '" target="_blank">' + (nick ? nick : uin) + '</a>'; }, getCommentListLink: function(site_en, site_cn, sort_en, sort_cn, className) { if (className) { className = 'class="' + className + '"'; } else { className = ''; } return '<a href="' + Comment.Configure.commentIndex + '" ' + className + ' target="_blank">评论首页</a> >> ' + '<a href="list.htm?' + site_en + '." ' + className + ' target="_blank">' + site_cn + '</a> >> ' + '<a href="list.htm?' + site_en + '.' + sort_en + '" ' + className + ' target="_blank">' + sort_cn + '</a>'; } }
Comment.ContentFormat = { decode: function(content) { return content.split(Comment.Configure.newline); } }
Comment.DataObjectFactory = function(content, model) { content = Comment.ContentFormat.decode(content); var dataModel = Comment.DataObject[model]; if (content.length - 1 != dataModel.length) { if (model != 'commentinfo' && model != 'listsum') { //alert('[DEBUG 信息] O/R 映射失败,远程数据和本地模型数量不匹配!请检查!'); } } var dataObject = new Object(); for (var i = 0; i < dataModel.length; ++i) { dataObject[dataModel[i]] = content[i]; } return dataObject; }
Comment.DataObject = { 'commentinfo': [ 'site_cn', 'sort_en', 'sort_cn', 'source', 'source_url', 'title', 'url', 'intro', 'intro_img', 'group_id', 'intro_show', 'create_time', 'debate_id' ], 'groupinfo': [ 'site_cn', 'title', 'url', 'intro', 'intro_img', 'comment_id', 'intro_show', 'create_time' ], 'debateinfo': [ 'site_cn', 'title', 'url', 'intro', 'intro_img', 'agree_id', 'disagree_id', 'middle_id', 'intro_show', 'create_time' ], 'sum': [ 'origin_count', 'total_count', 'top_count' ], 'reply': [ 'comment_id', 'uin', 'nickname', 'pub_time', 'pass_time', 'ip', 'title', 'content', 'reply_key', 'is_del', 'reply_type', 'reply_kind', 'tips' ], 'pksum': [ 'agree', 'disagree', 'middle' ], 'listsum': [ 'all' ], 'usersum': [ 'total_count', 'top_count', 'is_expert'
], 'userinfo': [ 'user_img', 'user_intro' ] }
/* 控制器类 */ Comment.Control = new Object();
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window.document.onmousemove = mMove; window.document.ondragstart = mEnd; window.document.onmouseup = mUp;
Event.observe($('up'), 'click', mUpBtn, false); Event.observe($('down'), 'click', mDownBtn, false); function mUpBtn() { self.setCurrPage(self.currPage - 1, 1); } function mDownBtn() { self.setCurrPage(self.currPage + 1, 1); } }, nextPage: function() { if (this.currPage < this.totalPage) { ++this.currPage; this.onPageChange(); } }, previousPage: function() { if (this.currPage > 0) { --this.currPage; this.onPageChange(); } }, setCurrPage: function(page, move) { if (page > 0 && page <= this.totalPage && page != this.currPage) { this.currPage = page; this.onPageChange(); if (move != null) { this.movePageControl(page); } } }, onPageChange: function() { }, getCurrPage: function() { return this.currPage; } }
Comment.Iterator = { getIndex: function(objComment) { var rangeList = new Array(); function getIndexId(reply_id) { return parseInt(reply_id / Comment.Configure.index_line_sum); } function getReplyPos(reply_id) { return (reply_id % Comment.Configure.index_line_sum); }
if (objComment.order == 0) { var reply_start = (objComment.currPage - 1) * objComment.replyPerPage; var start_index_id = getIndexId(reply_start); var start_reply_id = getReplyPos(reply_start); var currReply = 1; var replySum = 0; while (currReply++) { if (reply_start + currReply > objComment.totalReply) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id, currReply - replySum - 1, objComment.index_line_len) }); break; } if (currReply == objComment.replyPerPage) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id, currReply - replySum, objComment.index_line_len) }); break; } if (start_reply_id + currReply > Comment.Configure.index_line_sum) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id, currReply, objComment.index_line_len) }); start_index_id++; start_reply_id = 0; replySum = currReply - 1; } } } else { var reply_start = objComment.totalReply - 1 - (objComment.currPage - 1) * objComment.replyPerPage; var start_index_id = getIndexId(reply_start); var start_reply_id = getReplyPos(reply_start); var currReply = 1; var replySum = 0; while (currReply++) { if (reply_start - currReply < 0) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(0, start_reply_id + 1, objComment.index_line_len) }); break; } if (currReply == objComment.replyPerPage) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id - currReply + replySum + 1, currReply - replySum, objComment.index_line_len) }); break; } if (start_reply_id - currReply < 0) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(0, start_reply_id + 1, objComment.index_line_len) }); start_index_id--; start_reply_id = Comment.Configure.index_line_sum - 1; replySum = currReply; } } } return rangeList; } }
/* 显示样式控制器 */ Comment.Control.Display = Class.create(); Comment.Control.Display.prototype = { initialize: function() { } }
/* 页面显示类 */ Comment.Page = new Object(); /* 评论页控制接口 */ Comment.Page.Base = { changeMode: function(mode) { this.mode = mode; this.totalReply = this.data_sum[mode]; this.totalPage = parseInt(this.totalReply / this.replyPerPage) + (this.totalReply % this.replyPerPage != 0 ? 1 : 0); }, changeOrder: function(order) { if (this.order == order) return; this.order = order; this.currPage = 1; this.resetPageControl(); this.bindPageNav(); this.bindReplyList(); this.bindOrderControl(); }, bindOrderControl: function() { var self = this; if (self.order == 0) { $('order_front').style.cursor = 'none'; $('order_front').style.color = '#000'; $('order_front').onclick = function(e) { return false; } $('order_desc').style.cursor = 'pointer'; $('order_desc').style.color = '#3B78AF'; $('order_desc').onclick = function() { self.changeOrder(1); return false; } } else if (self.order == 1) { $('order_front').style.cursor = 'pointer'; $('order_front').style.color = '#3B78AF'; $('order_front').onclick = function(e) { self.changeOrder(0); return false; } $('order_desc').style.cursor = 'none'; $('order_desc').style.color = '#000'; $('order_desc').onclick = function() { return false; } } }, bindRowsPerPage: function() { var self = this; $A($('rows_page').getElementsByTagName('a')).each(function(button) { button.onclick = function() { self.replyPerPage = button.value; self.currPage = 1; self.resetPageControl(); self.bindPageNav(); self.bindReplyList(); return false; } }); }, selectTab: function(mode) { var self = this; $A($('mode_tab').getElementsByTagName('p')).each(function(tab) { if (tab.value == mode) { $A($('mode_tab').getElementsByTagName('p')).each(function(t) { if (t.value != '') { t.className = 'none'; } }); tab.className = 'c'; } }); }, appendTab: function(option) { var pTab = $C('p'); pTab.innerHTML = option.title; pTab.value = ''; $('mode_tab').appendChild(pTab); pTab.onclick = function() { window.open(option.url); } return false; }, bindTabControl: function() { var self = this; $A($('mode_tab').getElementsByTagName('p')).each(function(tab) { var mode = tab.value; if (mode != '') { tab.onclick = function() { $A($('mode_tab').getElementsByTagName('p')).each(function(t) { t.className = 'none'; }); this.className = 'c'; self.currPage = 1; self.changeMode(mode) self.resetPageControl(); self.bindPageNav(); self.bindReplyList(); return false; } } }); }, bindPageRandom: function() { var self = this; $A($('page_random', 'page_random_2')).each(function(button) { button.onclick = function() { if (self.totalPage == 1) { self.currPage = 1; } else { self.currPage = Math.floor(Math.random() * (self.totalPage + 1)); if (self.currPage == 0) { self.currPage = 1; } } self.bindPageNav(); self.bindReplyList(); return false; } }); }, bindPageNav: function(flag) { var self = this; var currPage = self.currPage; if (flag != 1) { this.pageControl.movePageControl(currPage); } var pagesPerRange = 6; this.totalPage = parseInt(this.totalReply / this.replyPerPage) + (this.totalReply % this.replyPerPage != 0 ? 1 : 0); var startPage = parseInt((self.currPage - 1) / pagesPerRange) * pagesPerRange + 1; createPageNav($('page_nav'), false); createPageNav($('page_nav_2'), true); function createPageNav(obj, top) { obj.innerHTML = ''; var i = startPage; if (self.currPage != 1) { obj.appendChild(createPage2(1, '第一页', top)); obj.appendChild(createPage({ page: '上一页', onclick:function() { self.currPage = self.currPage - 1; self.bindPageNav(); self.bindReplyList(); if (top) { window.location.replace('#reload'); } return false; } })); } for (; i < startPage + pagesPerRange; ++i) { if (i > self.totalPage) { break; } obj.appendChild(createPage2(i, '', top)); } if (self.currPage < self.totalPage) { obj.appendChild(createPage({ page: '下一页', onclick:function() { self.currPage = self.currPage + 1; self.bindPageNav(); self.bindReplyList(); if (top) { window.location.replace('#reload'); } return false; } })); obj.appendChild(createPage2(self.totalPage, '最末页', top)); } }
function createPage(option) { var p = $C('a'); if (option.page == self.currPage) { p.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } p.innerHTML = (option.text && option.text != '') ? option.text : option.page; p.href = ''; p.onclick = option.onclick; if (option.title) { p.title = option.title; } return p; } function createPage2(page, text, top) { return createPage({ page: page, onclick:function() { self.currPage = page; self.bindPageNav(); self.bindReplyList(); if (top) { window.location.replace('#reload'); } return false; }, text: text != '' ? text : '' }); } }, bindPageControl: function() { this.totalPage = parseInt(this.totalReply / this.replyPerPage) + (this.totalReply % this.replyPerPage != 0 ? 1 : 0); this.pageControl = new Comment.Control.Pagination({ totalPage: this.totalPage }); /* overwrite event virtual function */ var self = this; this.pageControl.onPageChange = function() { self.currPage = this.getCurrPage(); self.bindPageNav(1); self.bindReplyList(); } }, resetPageControl: function() { this.totalPage = parseInt(this.totalReply / this.replyPerPage) + (this.totalReply % this.replyPerPage != 0 ? 1 : 0); this.pageControl.reset({ totalPage: this.totalPage }); }, bindTopReply: function() { var self = this; var rangeList = new Array(); function getIndexId(reply_id) { return parseInt(reply_id / Comment.Configure.index_line_sum); } function getReplyPos(reply_id) { return (reply_id % Comment.Configure.index_line_sum); }
var top_show_sum = 5; var index_line_len = self.index_line_len; var reply_start = self.data_sum['top_count'] - 1; var start_index_id = getIndexId(reply_start); var start_reply_id = getReplyPos(reply_start); var currReply = 1; var replySum = 0;
while (currReply++) { if (reply_start - currReply < 0) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(0, start_reply_id + 1, index_line_len) }); break; } if (currReply == top_show_sum) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id - currReply + replySum + 1, currReply - replySum, index_line_len) }); break; } if (start_reply_id - currReply < 0) { rangeList.push({ url: Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id), range: Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(0, start_reply_id + 1, index_line_len) }); start_index_id--; start_reply_id = Comment.Configure.index_line_sum - 1; replySum = currReply; } }
var replyList = new Array(); var replyAllList = new Array(); var rangeSum = rangeList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < rangeList.length; ++i) { new getReplyList(i); }
function getReplyList(i) { var comment_type = 'normal'; var comment_id = self.commentId; if (self.name == 'Group') { comment_type = 'group'; comment_id = self.groupId; } var sCommentIndexUrl = '/' + self.site + '/' + comment_type + '/' + Comment.UrlFactory.getCommentUrl(comment_id) + Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexDir('top_count') + '/' + rangeList[i].url + '.htm' + noCacheUrl(); new Ajax.Request( sCommentIndexUrl, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: onSucc, onFailure: onError, requestHeaders:rangeList[i].range } ); function onSucc(response) { replyList[i] = Comment.ContentFormat.decode(response.responseText); if (i == rangeSum - 1) { replySort(); self.bindReplyList(); } } function onError() { } }
function replySort() { if (self.order == 0) { if (replyList.length == 1) { replyAllList = replyAllList.concat(replyList[0]); } else { for (var i = 0; i < replyList.length; ++i) { replyAllList = replyAllList.concat(replyList[i]); } } } else { if (replyList.length == 1) { for (var i = replyList[0].length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { replyAllList.push(replyList[0][i]) } } else { for (var i = 0; i < replyList.length; ++i) { for (var j = replyList[i].length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { replyAllList.push(replyList[i][j]) } } } }
var str = ''; for (var j = 0; j < replyAllList.length; ++j) { str += replyAllList[j] + '\r\n'; }
self.topReplyList = replyAllList; } } }
Comment.User = { logined: null, uin: null }
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