对象不是孤立的,对象之间必须相互协作才能完成任务。虽然调解者模式可以限制对象之间的相互作用,但如果滥用,会致使编写聚合性类变得非常困难。举一个实用的例子,在领域驱动设计(Domain-Driven Design)中的服务就是实体之间的调解者。再举一个PHP相关的例子,Zend_Form装饰和过滤功能实际上可以看作是Zend_Form_Decorator和Zend_Filter实例之间的一个简单调解者,它们都使用Zend_Validate对象进行验证。
当调解者必须监听同事对象的事件时,它通常是作为观察者(Observer)实现的,产生一个黑板(blackboard)对象,一些同事写,另一些同事就读。来自同事的事件被推向调解者,再由调解者将其转发给其它订阅的同事,同事之间不需要相互了解,这个架构成功用于随Zend框架发布的Dojo JavaScript库。这个模式的另一个好处是对象的变化包含在计算方法中,可以通过配置不同的调解者实现这一目标,但实例化相关对象将是一个松散的操作,不同容器和工厂之间的协作关系将是分散的。
参与者: ◆同事(Colleague):重点是它的职责,它只与一个调解者Mediator或AbstractMediator通信。 ◆调解者(Mediator):协同多个Colleagues(AbstractColleagues)共同工作。 ◆AbstractMediator,AbstractColleague:从这些角色的真实实现解耦的可选接口,可能不止一个AbstractColleague角色。 下面的代码实现了一个表单输入的过滤过程,类似于Zend_Form_Element功能。 复制代码 代码如下: <?php /** * AbstractColleague. */ interface Filter { public function filter($value); }
/** * Colleague. We decide in the implementation phase * that Colleagues should not know the next Colleague * in the chain, resorting to a Mediator to link them together. * This choice succesfully avoids a base abstract class * for Filters. * Remember that this is an example: it is not only * Chain of Responsibility that can be alternatively implemented * as a Mediator. */ class TrimFilter implements Filter { public function filter($value) { return trim($value); } } <PRE class=php name="code"> /** * Colleague. */ class NullFilter implements Filter { public function filter($value) { return $value ? $value : ''; } }
/** * Colleague. */ class HtmlEntitiesFilter implements Filter { public function filter($value) { return htmlentities($value); } } </PRE><PRE class=php name="code"> /** * The Mediator. We avoid referencing it from ConcreteColleagues * and so the need for an interface. We leave the implementation * of a bidirectional channel for the Observer pattern's example. * This class responsibility is to store the value and coordinate * filters computation when they have to be applied to the value. * Filtering responsibilities are obviously a concern of * the Colleagues, which are Filter implementations. */ class InputElement { protected $_filters; protected $_value;
public function addFilter(Filter $filter) { $this->_filters[] = $filter; return $this; }
public function setValue($value) { $this->_value = $this->_filter($value); }
protected function _filter($value) { foreach ($this->_filters as $filter) { $value = $filter->filter($value); } return $value; }
public function getValue() { return $this->_value; } }
$input = new InputElement(); $input->addFilter(new NullFilter()) ->addFilter(new TrimFilter()) ->addFilter(new HtmlEntitiesFilter()); $input->setValue(' You should use the <h1>-<h6> tags for your headings.'); echo $input->getValue(), "\n"; </PRE> <PRE></PRE>