图书查询部分: <? if(!$UploadAction): ?> <? //本程序是为输出书名,作者、出版社资料而设。 //编者:孔秀祥。日期:2001/3/25 ?> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>书目查询 </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY><TABLE align=CENTER> <FORM ENCTYPE= "multipart/form-data" NAME = "SubmitForm" ACTION= "<? $PHP_SELF ?>" METHOD = "POST"> <INPUT TYPE= "hidden" NAME = "MAX_FILE_SIZE" VALUE ="20000000"> <INPUT TYPE= "hidden" NAME = "UploadAction" VALUE = "1">
<!--TR><TD>文件名<TD><INPUT NAME = "UploadFile" TYPE = "file" VALUE="" SIZE = "30"></TR--> <TR><TD align=center>著作名<TD><INPUT NAME = "b_name" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "30" maxlength=100></TD></TR> <TR><TD align=center>作者<TD>姓<INPUT NAME = "a_first1" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "6" maxlength=20> 名<INPUT NAME = "a_last1" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "6" maxlength=20></TD></TR> <TR><TD align=center>出版社<TD><INPUT NAME = "p_name" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "30" maxlength=100></TD></TR> <TR><TD>出版日期<TD><INPUT NAME = "p_year" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "4">年 <!--INPUT NAME = "p_month" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "2">月 <--> <TR><TD>ISBN<TD><INPUT NAME = "isbn" TYPE = "text" VALUE="" SIZE = "25">
</TABLE><TABLE align=center> <TR><TD align=center> <INPUT NAME = "submit" VALUE = "提交" TYPE = "submit"> <TD><INPUT NAME = "reset" VALUE = "重置" TYPE = "reset"> </TD></TR> </FORM></CENTER></TABLE></BODY>
else: session_start(); require "config.php3";
$UploadAction=0; $repeat=0; //是不是重复了。 $TimeLimit=0; //设置超时限制时间缺省时间为 30秒设置为0时为不限时 set_time_limit($TimeLimit); @MYSQL_CONNECT($hostname,$dbusername,$dbpassword) OR DIE("不能连接数据库!"); @mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die("不能选择数据库!"); //$q="select books.books_id, books.books_name,author.first_name,author.last_name,publisher.publisher_name from books,author,books_author,publisher where books.books_name="$b_name" and books.publisher_id=publisher.publisher_id and books.books_id=books_author.books_id and books_author.author_id=author.author_id"; if($b_name!="") $bn="books.books_name="$b_name" and "; if($p_name!="") $pn="publisher.publisher_name="$p_name" and "; if($a_first1!="") $af="author.first_name="$a_first1" and "; if($a_last1!="") $al="author.last_name="$a_last1" and "; if($p_year!=""){ $date_p="books.date_pub rlike '^$p_year.*' and "; } if($isbn!="") $is="books.ISBN="$isbn" and "; $q="select books.books_id, books.books_name,author.first_name,author.last_name,publisher.publisher_name from books,author,books_author,publisher where $bn $pn $af $al $date_p $is books.publisher_id=publisher.publisher_id and books.books_id=books_author.books_id and books_author.author_id=author.author_id order by books.books_name";
$r = @mysql_query($q); if(!$r){ echo "查询无效 <BR>"; exit; } if(mysql_num_rows($r)<1){ $msg="没有符合要求的记录。"; xueroom_error_exit($msg,$PHP_SELF);
while($count=mysql_fetch_array($r)){ $books_id=$count[0]; $books_name=$count[1]; $first_name=$count[2]; $last_name=$count[3]; $publisher_name=$count[4]; if($book!=$books_id){ $repeat++; echo "<BR>".$repeat."、"; echo "《".$books_name."》"; echo "出版社:".$count[4]; echo " 作者:"; } echo "$first_name$last_name "; $book=$books_id; }
echo"<BR><A HREF = $PHP_SELF>返回 </A>"; echo"</BODY></HTML>";
?> <? endif; ?>