<% a="日本是中国的一个省|我们美丽中国的张家界!" b="中国,我们,张家界,日本,美国,苹果" b=split(b,",") a=split(a,"|") for k=0 to ubound(a) s="" n="" for i=0 to ubound(b) if instr(a(k),b(i))>0 then s=s & instr(a(k),b(i)) & "," &instr(a(k),b(i))+len(b(i)) & "," end if next s=left(s,len(s)-1) if left(s,len(s)-1)<>len(a(k)) then s=s&","&len(a(k))+1 s=sort(split(s,",")) for i=0 to ubound(s)-1 n=n&mid(a(k),s(i),s(i+1)-s(i))& "|" next response.write n & "<br>" next
function sort(ary) ck=true do Until ck = false ck=false For f = 0 to UBound(ary) -1 if clng(ary(f))>clng(ary(f+1)) then v1=clng(ary(f)) v2=clng(ary(f+1)) ary(f)=v2 ary(f+1)=v1 ck=true end if next loop sort=ary end function %>
日本|是|中国|的一个省| 我们|美丽|中国|的|张家界|!|