Classes: Collections Arrays ArrayList SortedList extends ArrayList HashMap HashSet */
/**************** Collections NOTE:sort() return a new List ****************/ function Collections(){} Collections.sort=function(){ if(arguments.length==1){ var s=new SortedList(); s.addAll(arguments[0]); return s; } else if(arguments.length==2){ var s=new SortedList(); s.setComparator(arguments[1]); s.addAll(arguments[0]); return s; } else throw "IllegalArgument"; } /*************** Arrays ****************/ function Arrays(){} Arrays.asList=function(arr){ return new ArrayList(arr); }
//ListIterator function ListIterator(table,len){ this.table=table; this.len=len; this.index=0; this.hasNext=function() { return this.index< this.len; }
this.next=function() { if(!this.hasNext()) throw "No such Element!"; return this.table[this.index++]; } }
/******************** ArrayList ********************/ function ArrayList(){ this.buffer=new Array(); if(arguments.length>0) this.buffer=arguments[0]; this.length=this.buffer.length; } ArrayList.prototype.hashCode=function(){ var h=0; for(var i=0;i<this.lengh;i++) h+=this.buffer[i].hashCode(); return h; }
ArrayList.prototype.size=function(){ return this.length; }
ArrayList.prototype.clear=function(){ for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++) this.buffer[i]=null; this.buffer.length=0; this.length=0; }
ArrayList.prototype.isEmpty=function(){ return this.length==0; }
ArrayList.prototype.toArray=function(){ var copy=new Array(); for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++){ copy[i]=this.buffer[i]; } return copy; } ArrayList.prototype.get=function(index){ if(index>=0 && index<this.length) return this.buffer[index]; return null; }
ArrayList.prototype.remove=function(param){ var index=0; if(isNaN(param)){ index=this.indexOf(param); } else index=param; if(index>=0 && index<this.length){ for(var i=index;i<this.length-1;i++) this.buffer[i]=this.buffer[i+1]; this.length-=1; return true; } else return false; } ArrayList.prototype.add=function(){ var args=arguments; if(args.length==1){ this.buffer[this.length++]=args[0]; return true; } else if(args.length==2){ var index=args[0]; var obj=args[1]; if(index>=0 && index<=this.length){ for(var i=this.length;i>index;i--) this.buffer[i]=this.buffer[i-1]; this.buffer[i]=obj; this.length+=1; return true; } } return false; }
ArrayList.prototype.indexOf=function(obj){ for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++){ if(this.buffer[i].equals(obj)) return i; } return -1; }
ArrayList.prototype.lastIndexOf=function(obj){ for(var i=this.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if(this.buffer[i].equals(obj)) return i; } return -1; }
ArrayList.prototype.contains=function(obj){ return this.indexOf(obj)!=-1; }
ArrayList.prototype.equals=function(obj){ if(this.size()!=obj.size()) return false; for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++){ if(!obj.get(i).equals(this.buffer[i])) return false; } return true; }
ArrayList.prototype.addAll=function(list){ var mod=false; for(var it=list.iterator();it.hasNext();){ var v=it.next(); if(this.add(v)) mod=true; } return mod; }
ArrayList.prototype.containsAll=function(list){ for(var i=0;i<list.size();i++){ if(!this.contains(list.get(i))) return false; } return true; }
ArrayList.prototype.removeAll=function(list){ for(var i=0;i<list.size();i++){ this.remove(this.indexOf(list.get(i))); } }
ArrayList.prototype.retainAll=function(list){ for(var i=this.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if(!list.contains(this.buffer[i])){ this.remove(i); } } }
ArrayList.prototype.subList=function(begin,end){ if(begin<0) begin=0; if(end>this.length) end=this.length; var newsize=end-begin; var newbuffer=new Array(); for(var i=0;i<newsize;i++){ newbuffer[i]=this.buffer[begin+i]; } return new ArrayList(newbuffer); } ArrayList.prototype.set=function(index,obj){ if(index>=0 && index<this.length){ temp=this.buffer[index]; this.buffer[index]=obj; return temp; } }
ArrayList.prototype.iterator=function iterator(){ return new ListIterator(this.buffer,this.length); }
/***************************** SortedList extends ArrayList *****************************/ function SortedList(){ this.com=null; } SortedList.prototype=new ArrayList(); SortedList.prototype.setComparator=function(comp){ if(this.length!=0) throw "Only can be set when list is empty"; this.com=comp; }
SortedList.prototype.getComparator=function(){ return this.com; }
//override SortedList.prototype.add=function(obj){ var index = this.indexOf(obj); for(var i=this.length;i>index;){ this.buffer[i]=this.buffer[--i]; }
this.buffer[index]=obj; this.length++; } //override SortedList.prototype.indexOf=function(obj){ if(this.length==0) return 0; var min=0,max=this.length-1; var mid=0; while(min<=max){ mid = (min+max) >> 1; var c=0; if(this.com==null) c=obj.compareTo(this.buffer[mid]); else c=this.com.compare(obj,this.buffer[mid]); if(c==0){ return mid; } else if(c<0){ max=mid-1; } else{ min=mid+1; } } mid =(min+max) >>1; return mid+1; } //override SortedList.prototype.contains=function(obj){ if(this.length==0) return false; var min=0,max=this.length-1; var mid=0; while(min<=max){ mid = (min+max) >> 1; var c=0; if(this.com==null) c=obj.compareTo(this.buffer[mid]); else c=this.com.compare(obj,this.buffer[mid]); if(c==0){ return true; } else if(c<0){ max=mid-1; } else{ min=mid+1; } } return false; } //override SortedList.prototype.subList=function(begin,end){ var sl=new SortedList(); s1.setComparator(this.com); var sub=ArrayList.prototype.subList(begin.end); sl.addAll(sub); return sl; }
/**************************** HashMap ****************************/
function Entry(h,k,v,n){ this.value = v; this.next = n; this.key = k; this.hash = h;
this.getKey=function(){ return this.key; }
this.getValue=function() { return this.value; } this.setValue=function(newValue) { var oldValue = this.value; this.value = newValue; return oldValue; }
this.equals=function(o){ var e = o; var k1 = this.getKey(); var k2 = e.getKey(); var v1 = this.getValue(); var v2 = e.getValue(); return (k1.equals(k2) && v1.equals(v2)); }
this.hashCode=function() { return this.key.hashCode() ^ this.value.hashCode(); }
this.toString=function() { return this.getKey() + "=" + this.getValue(); } }
function HashIterator(table,index,ne){
this.table=table; this.ne=ne; this.index=index; this.current=null;
this.hasNext=function() { return this.ne != null; }
this.next=function() { var e = this.ne; if (e == null) throw "No such Element"; var n = e.next; var t = this.table; var i = this.index; while (n == null && i > 0) n = t[--i]; this.index = i; this.ne = n; this.current=e;
return this.current; } }
function HashMap() { this.len=8; this.table=new Array(); this.length=0; } // refer to java.util.HashMap HashMap.hash=function(x){ var h = x.hashCode(); h += ~(h << 9); h ^= (h >>> 14); h += (h << 4); h ^= (h >>> 10); return h; }
HashMap.prototype.rehash=function(){ var oldTable = this.table; this.table=new Array(); //transfer for (var i = 0; i< oldTable.length; i++) { var e = oldTable[i]; if (e != null) { oldTable[i] = null; do { var next = e.next; var j = this.indexFor(e.hash); e.next = this.table[j]; this.table[j] = e; e = next; } while (e != null); } } }
HashMap.prototype.indexFor=function(h) { var index= h & (this.len-1); return index; }
HashMap.prototype.size=function() { return this.length; }
HashMap.prototype.isEmpty=function() { return this.length == 0; }
HashMap.prototype.get=function(key) { var hash =HashMap.hash(key); var i = this.indexFor(hash);
var e = this.table[i];
while (true) { if (e ==null) return null; if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) return e.value; e = e.next; } }
HashMap.prototype.containsKey=function(key) { var hash =HashMap.hash(key); var i = this.indexFor(hash); var e = this.table[i];
while (e != null) { if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) return true; e = e.next; } return false; }
HashMap.prototype.put=function(key,value) { var hash = HashMap.hash(key); var i = this.indexFor(hash);
for (var e = this.table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) { if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) { var oldValue = e.value; e.value = value; return oldValue; } }
this.addEntry(hash, key, value, i);
var r=Math.ceil(this.length * 1.5);
if(r > this.len){ this.len= this.len << 1; this.rehash(); } return null; }
HashMap.prototype.putAll=function (map){ var mod=false; for(var it=map.iterator();it.hasNext();){ var e=it.next(); if(this.put(e.getKey(),e.getValue())) mod=true; } }
HashMap.prototype.remove=function(key) { var e = this.removeEntryForKey(key); return (e ==null ? null : e.value); }
HashMap.prototype.removeEntryForKey=function(key) { var hash = HashMap.hash(key); var i = this.indexFor(hash);
var prev = this.table[i]; var e = prev;
while (e != null) { var next = e.next; if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) { this.length--; if (prev.equals(e)) this.table[i] = next; else prev.next = next; return e; } prev = e; e = next; } return e; }
HashMap.prototype.clear=function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) this.table[i] = null; this.length = 0; }
HashMap.prototype.containsValue=function(value) { if (value == null) return false;
var tab = this.table; for (var i = 0; i < tab.length ; i++) for (var e = tab[i] ; e != null ; e = e.next) if (value.equals(e.value)) return true; return false; }
HashMap.prototype.addEntry=function(hash, key, value, bucketIndex) { this.table[bucketIndex] = new Entry(hash, key, value, this.table[bucketIndex]); this.length++; }
HashMap.prototype.iterator=function(){ var i=this.table.length;
var next=null; while(i>0 && next==null){ next=this.table[--i]; }
return new HashIterator(this.table,i,next); }
HashMap.prototype.hashCode=function(){ var h=0; for(var it=this.iterator();it.hasNext();){ h+=it.next().hashCode(); } return h; }
HashMap.prototype.equals=function(map){ if(!this.typeMatches(map)) return false; if(map.size()!=this.size()) return false;
for(var it=this.iterator();it.hasNext();){ var e=it.next(); var key=e.getKey(); var value=e.getValue();
if(!value.equals(map.get(key))) return false
} return true; }
/************************* HashSet **************************/
function HashSetIterator(ite){ this.it=ite; this.hasNext=function() { return this.it.hasNext(); }
this.next=function() { return this.it.next().getKey(); } }
function HashSet(){ this.map=new HashMap(); } HashSet.NULL=new Number("!THIS IS NULL!");
HashSet.prototype.size=function(){ return this.map.size(); }
HashSet.prototype.isEmpty=function() { return this.map.isEmpty(); }
HashSet.prototype.contains=function(o) { return this.map.containsKey(o); }
HashSet.prototype.add=function(o){ return this.map.put(o,HashSet.NULL)==null; }
HashSet.prototype.addAll=function(set){ var mod=false; for(var it=set.iterator();it.hasNext();){ if(this.add(it.next())) mod=true; } return mod; }
HashSet.prototype.remove=function(o) { return this.map.remove(o).equals(HashSet.NULL); }
HashSet.prototype.clear=function() { this.map.clear(); }
HashSet.prototype.iterator=function(){ return new HashSetIterator(this.map.iterator()); }
HashSet.prototype.equals=function(o) { if(!this.typeMatches(o)) return false; if (o.size() != this.size()) return false; for(var it=this.iterator();it.hasNext();){ if(!o.contains(it.next())) return false; } return true; }
HashSet.prototype.hashCode=function() { var h=0; for(var it=this.iterator();it.hasNext();){ h+=it.next().hashCode(); } return h; }
HashSet.prototype.toArray=function(){ var arr=new Array(); var i=0; for(var it=this.iterator();it.hasNext();){ arr[i++]=it.next(); } return arr; }