复制代码 代码如下:/*******************************************\ Ucren Virtual Desktop V2.0 (2006-9-1) This JavaScript was writen by Dron. @2003-2008 Ucren.com All rights reserved. \*******************************************/ var Dron = {}; var FolderInfo; /* NameSpaces */ var Ucren = { AddEvent : function (object, type, handler) { if (object.addEventListener) object.addEventListener(type, handler, false); else if (object.attachEvent) object.attachEvent(["on",type].join(""), handler); else object[["on",type].join("")] = handler; }, Config : { Title : "Ucren Virtual Desktop V2.0 Power by Dron.", Tip : "基于框架 DronFw 构建的 Ucren Virtual Desktop V2.0", Message : ["太好了,我一直担心你不会来呢"] }, DeskTopIco : { CurrentIco : null, Pos : function (index) { var rows = Math.floor((document.body.clientHeight-27)/75); return [Math.floor(index/rows), index%rows]; }, Show : function () { var s = ""; for (var i=0; i<IconsInfo.count; i++) { IconsInfo.go(i); var pos = Ucren.DeskTopIco.Pos(i); s += "<div class=\"aIco\" onmouseover=\"Ucren.MouseTip.Show(\'" +IconsInfo.read("Tip")+ "\',event)\" onmouseout=\"Ucren.MouseTip.Hide()\" onclick=\"Ucren.DeskTopIco.Select(this)\" ondblclick=\"" +IconsInfo.read("Fun")+ "\" style=\"left:" +(pos[0]*75)+ "px;top:" +(pos[1]*75)+ "px;background-image:url(images/icons/d_" +IconsInfo.read("Ico")+ ".gif);\"><span class=\"a\"><span class=\"b\">" +IconsInfo.read("Name")+ "</span></span></div>"; } $("desktopico").innerHTML = s; Ucren.DeskTopIco.CurrentIco = null; if (Ucren.CheckLoad()) return ; var divs = $("desktopico").getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i=0; i<divs.length; i++) if (divs[i].className=="aIco"||divs[i].className=="aIcoSelect") new DronFw.Class.DragDrop(divs[i]); }, Select : function (obj) { if (Ucren.CheckLoad()) return ; if (Ucren.DeskTopIco.CurrentIco) Ucren.DeskTopIco.CurrentIco.className = "aIco"; (Ucren.DeskTopIco.CurrentIco=obj).className = "aIcoSelect"; } }, EventSwitch : function () { function rs() { DronFw.Wait( function (){return typeof(IconsInfo)=="object";}, Ucren.DeskTopIco.Show ) if (Ucren.StartMenu.Status==2) return ; var y = [document.body.clientHeight-26, document.body.clientHeight-$("startmenu").offsetHeight-26]; $("startmenu").style.top = y[Ucren.StartMenu.Status] + "px"; Ucren.MessBox.Hide(); } function ss(e) { e = e || event; var srcElement = e.srcElement ? 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