统计图形就我们会常到的数据图形了,如果三个数组以图形显示或楼盘以图形走向我们都会要用到图形,下面介绍一个php LIbchart图形生成类
统计图形就我们会常到的数据图形了,如果三个数组以图形显示或楼盘以图形走向我们都会要用到图形,下面我来介绍一个php LIbchart图形生成类吧,很用的有需要的朋友可参考。 简单全数字或英文的就可以直接使用下面类了(libchart类大家可自行百度下载) 复制代码 代码如下: <? /* update by Leo It's draw the pic of Sheet,and it will take all the num on the pic. */ require "./libchart/classes/libchart.php"; class drawPic{ var $chart; var $style; function drawPic($style="1",$width="500",$height="250"){ $this->style=$style; if($style==1){ //cylinder $this->chart = new VerticalBarChart($width,$height); }else if($style==2){ //line $this->chart = new LineChart($width,$height); }else if($style==3){ //Lump $this->chart = new PieChart($width,$height); }else{ //cross $this->chart=new HorizontalBarChart($width,$height); } }
function draw($obj){
if($this->style==1||$this->style=="1"){ //cylinder $dataSet = new XYDataSet() ; $this->chart->setTitle($obj->title);//title $arr=array(); $arr=$obj->dataArray; foreach($arr as $key => $val){ $dataSet->addPoint ( new Point($key,$val)) ; } $this->chart->setDataSet ( $dataSet ) ; $this->chart->render(); }else if($this->style==2||$this->style=="2"){ //line $this->chart->setTitle($obj->title);//title $arr=array(); $arr=$obj->dataArray; $i=0; $dataSet = new XYSeriesDataSet(); foreach($arr as $key => $val){ $serie{$i}= new XYDataSet(); foreach($val as $k => $v){ $serie{$i}->addPoint(new Point($k,$v)); } $dataSet->addSerie($key,$serie{$i}); $i=$i+1; } $this->chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $this->chart->render(); }else if($style==3){ //Lump $dataSet = new XYDataSet() ; $this->chart->setTitle($obj->title);//title $arr=array(); $arr=$obj->dataArray; foreach($arr as $key => $val){ $dataSet->addPoint ( new Point($key."($val)",$val)) ; } $this->chart->setDataSet ( $dataSet ) ; $this->chart->render(); }else{ //cross $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $this->chart->setTitle($obj->title);//title $arr=array(); $arr=$obj->dataArray; foreach($arr as $key => $val){ $dataSet->addPoint ( new Point($key,$val)) ; } $this->chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $this->chart->render(); } }
} class kkk{}; $n=new drawPic("4");//it will set 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 $k=new kkk(); $k->dataArray=array("2000"=>"30","2001"=>"40","2002"=>"50","2003"=>"60","2004"=>"70","2005"=>"80","20020"=>"90");//style==1 or style=2 or style=4 //$k->dataArray=array("2000"=>"30","2001"=>"40","2002"=>"50","2003"=>"60","2004"=>"70","2005"=>"80","20020"=>"90");//style==3 //$k->dataArray=array("yi"=>array("2000"=>"30","2001"=>"40","2002"=>"50","2004"=>"60"),"er"=>array("2003"=>"60","2004"=>"70","2005"=>"80","20020"=>"90"),"san"=>array("33"=>"12","45"=>"56","89"=>"45","86"=>"49"));//style==2 and the years will show first array to block.(it will be show 2000 2001 2002 2004) $k->title="The Sheet title"; $n->draw($k); ?> 红色字体为调用。方法1,2,4为相同的数组。3为线性图,有可能有两条线或者多条线的比较(也可以单线)。 如果要使用中文可能会发现libchart中文乱码 了,下面找了一个办法
我们的应用主源代码如下: 复制代码 代码如下: <?php header("content-type:image/png"); require_once('libchart/classes/libchart.php');
$chart = new VerticalBarChart( 500 , 250 ) ; // 参数表示需要创建的图像的宽和高 $dataSet = new XYDataSet() ; // 实例化一个 XY 轴数据对象
// 为这个对象增加四组数据集合, Point 对象的第一个参数表示 X 轴坐标, // 第二个表示 Y 轴坐标 $str = '二月';
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "html-entities","utf-8" );
$dataSet -> addPoint ( new Point( "Jan 2005" , 273 )) ; $dataSet -> addPoint ( new Point( "$str" , 120 )) ; $dataSet -> addPoint ( new Point( "March 2005" , 442 )) ; $dataSet -> addPoint ( new Point( "April 2005" , 600 )) ; // 把这个数据集合传递给图形对象 $chart -> setDataSet ( $dataSet ) ; // 设置图形的标题,并把它作为一个 png 文件渲染 $chart -> setTitle ( "统计图" ) ;
//$chart -> render ( "demo/generated/demo1.png" ) ; // 这里需要一个路径和文件名称 //就这么简单一个像下图一样美丽的柱状图就出来了 $chart -> render () ; ?> 标红字的地方是为了解决中文乱码的。 2、标题乱码: 默认显示中文是乱码,这是由于编码的原因,做如下修改: 首先,更改libchar/libchart/classes/view/chart/Chart.php,找到如下内容: 复制代码 代码如下: public function setTitle($title) { $this->plot->setTitle($title); } 更改为: 复制代码 代码如下: public function setTitle($title) { $title = mb_convert_encoding($title, "html-entities","utf-8" ); $this->plot->setTitle($title); } 第三步:就是上面某个博客里讲到的: 1、自己写的使用Libchart 库生成图表的php 文件以utf-8编码保存 2、找几个中文字体库,比如华文行楷、宋体等等,复制到libchart fonts目录下 3、修改libchart classes目录下的text.php 文件 第47、48行
复制代码 代码如下: $this->fontCondensed = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf"; $this->fontCondensedBold = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf";
改为 复制代码 代码如下: $this->fontCondensed = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../fonts/你找来的中文字体"; $this->fontCondensedBold = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../fonts/你找来的中文字体";
我修改的: 复制代码 代码如下: public function Text() { $baseDir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../";
// Free low-res fonts based on Bitstream Vera <http://dejavu.sourceforge.net/wiki/> $this->fontCondensed = $baseDir . "fonts/FANGZHENGFANGSONG.ttf"; $this->fontCondensedBold = $baseDir . "fonts/FANGZHENGFANGSONG.ttf"; } FANGZHENGFANGSONG.ttf 这个文件是我找的方正仿宋简体字库,我把中文名字改成那个样子了,其实不改也是可以的。 |