易心asp分页类v1.0 复制代码 代码如下: <% class Ex_SplitPageCls '========================================================================== '易心asp分页类v1.0 '作者:易心 QQ:343931221 '个人网站 www.ex123.net www.bo56.com '演示地址:www.ex123.net/show/page '转载请保留此信息 '========================================================================== dim Ex_Rs dim Ex_columns'要提取的字段 dim Ex_datafrom'数据表名 dim Ex_strWhere'记录筛选条件 dim Ex_order'sql排序 dim Ex_idcount'记录总数 dim Ex_pageSize'每页条数 dim Ex_pageCount'总页数 dim Ex_ids'获得本页要用到的id dim Ex_Sql'构造的sql语句 dim Ex_page'当前显示页码 dim Ex_Conn'数据库联接对象 dim Ex_index'数据库记录当前位置 dim Ex_id'主键字段 private sub class_initialize set Ex_Rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") Ex_id="id" Ex_pageSize=20 end sub private sub class_terminate Ex_rs.close set Ex_rs=nothing end sub '属性赋值: public property let letConn(str) Ex_conn=str end property '属性赋值:sql语句 要查询的字段 带select public property let letColumns(str) Ex_Columns=str end property '属性赋值:sql语句筛选条件部分 带where public property let letWhere(str) Ex_strWhere=str end property '属性赋值:sql语句数据表 带from public property let letDataFrom(str) Ex_dataFrom=str end property '属性赋值:sql语句排序部分 带order by public property let letOrder(str) Ex_order=str end property '属性赋值:每页记录数 public property let letPageSize(str) Ex_pageSize=str end property '属性赋值:当前页数 public property let letPage(str) Ex_page=str end property '属性赋值:主表主键字段 public property let letId(str) Ex_Id=str end property '属性:获得记录总数 public property get getRsCount getRsCount=Ex_idCount end property '属性:获得页总数 public property get getPageCount if(Ex_idcount>0) then'如果记录总数=0,则不处理 if(Ex_idcount mod Ex_pageSize=0)then'如果记录总数除以每页条数有余数,则=记录总数/每页条数+1 Ex_pageCount=int(Ex_idcount/Ex_pageSize)'获取总页数 else Ex_pagecount=int(Ex_idcount/Ex_pageSize)+1'获取总页数 end if getPageCount=Ex_pagecount else getPageCount=0 end if end property '属性:获得当前页数 public property get getPage getPage=Ex_Page end property '获得本页要用到的id private sub ids dim i Ex_sql="select "&Ex_Id&" "& Ex_datafrom &" " &" "&Ex_strWhere&" "&Ex_order Ex_rs.open Ex_sql,Ex_conn,1,1 if not Ex_Rs.eof and not Ex_Rs.bof then Ex_rs.pagesize =Ex_pageSize '每页显示记录数 Ex_Rs.absolutepage=CInt(Ex_Page) Ex_idcount=Ex_rs.recordcount if Ex_page < 1 then Ex_page = 1 if Ex_page > Ex_pagecount then Ex_page = Ex_pageCount if Ex_pageCount > 0 then Ex_rs.absolutepage =Ex_page for i=1 to Ex_rs.pagesize if Ex_rs.eof then exit for if(i=1)then Ex_Ids=Ex_rs("id") else Ex_Ids=Ex_Ids &","&Ex_rs("id") end if Ex_rs.movenext next end if Ex_Rs.close end sub '返回本页要用到的记录集 public function execute ids Ex_Sql=Ex_Columns&" "&Ex_dataFrom&" "&Ex_strWhere&" and id in("&Ex_ids&") "&Ex_order Ex_Rs.open Ex_Sql,Ex_conn,1,1 Set execute=Ex_Rs end function end class %>